Albie and Squealer

Phot by Saxon Scooper

headmixer's 3000th at Woking 2002
Albie and Squeeler Worcester BF 160803 Albie White Horse May 03.JPG (24129 bytes)
Albie+Squeeler White Horse May 03

Phot: Saxon Scooper

St Albans 0903 Bob+Steve+Albie
Squeeler, ?, Einstein, Albie, Steve Davis, Saxon and Headmixer at Woking 1102 - HM's 3000th Albie and Squeeler Cat Sheffield 171205
Albie 7000th M Porter 170207

Phot : Squeeler


Name(s) Albie, the Gruesome Twosome
Real Name Alistaire
From North Badersley, Southampton
Scoops total 7000+ @ 03/07 Current Status Scooping
Started 2000 Gave up because Not yet
Other Gen Usually southern fests only