Belgian beersKeeping some bottles cold in a bag of snow on a train in Croatia!The copper at Appollo, Kobenhavn.A scooping book.  Well thumbed too.Gose in Bayerischer Bahnhof, Leipzig...Air Berlin all the way!A brewery.  This one is Holba in Moravia, Czech republik.A big Prague T3 in the snowGazza by the coppers at Klasterni, Praha.Oak casks are the way forwards...

Polish flag   Poland   Polish flag

Last Updated :30/04/10

nother former Eastern-Bloc country where, in the interests of the free market and capitalism, the brewing industry has been sold off piecemeal to whichever multinational put in the least derisory bid.  Brewpubs are relatively unknown - although the Spiż and Bierhalle chains are growing rapidly through the south - but, on a downwards note, many local brewers have closed in recent years. 

There is now a promising revival of micro breweries and let's hope many more open in the next few years and it certainly seems as if the country is finding an appetite for craft brewing albeit not with the same fervency as seen across the border in Czech!  There's time, however, now all they need are some more interesting micros!  The Degustatornia bars in the Trojmiasto in Northen Poland are showing that people actually want good beer and I hope to see them continue to expand; on their showing recently, they need to!

I have prepared some Google maps for the following : Gdaňsk Poznań Wrocław

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