A big Prague tram in the snowMolly - a legend.  RIP.My looooords!! Get into that seminar!What all scoopers should do, IMO!Gazza by the coppers at Klasterni, Praha.What a lovely pair.  oooh-er missus!A scooping book.  Well thumbed too.Some bottles ready for consumption.A load of casks outside the Evening Star in Brighton.

  Tamworth BF 2003 

Last Updated :14/09/03


Tamworth BF September 2003 - phots.

Blind Peter Tamworth 050903 Billy Whizz Tamworth 050903 Brian Moore & Rick Pickup Tamworth 050903 Chief Tamworth 050903 Crimewatch Tamworth 050903
Blind Peter Billy Whizz Brian Moore & Rick Pickup Chief Crimewatch
Croydon Brian Tamworth 050903 Fletch Tamworth 050903 Gary Mess & Brian M Tamworth 050903 Gary Mess Tamworth 050903 Gary Notts Tamworth 050903
Croydon Brian Fletch Gary Mess and Brian Moore - aaaaah, bless! Gary Mess Gary from Nottingham
Herbal Tamworth 050903 Ieuan Tamworth 050903 Leader & Brian Moore Tamworth 050903 Leader stage Tamworth 050903 Liverpool Steve Tamworth 050903
Herbal Ieuan Leader and Brian Moore Leader on stage Liverpool Steve
Beige PJ Tamworth 050903 PJ and Haydn Tamworth 050903 Richard Nash Tamworth 050903 Suited Sipper Tamworth 050903 Telford Tim Tamworth 050903
"Beige" PJ PJ and Hadyn Richard Nash Suited Sipper Telford Tim
Veg Tamworth 050903 Dicko & Blind Peter in Park Tamworth before fest opened 060903 Queue Tamworth 060903.JPG (27423 bytes) Bourne Jim Tamworth 060903 Charlie Tamworth 060903
Veg Stout Dicko & Blind Peter wait for opening The Queue on Saturday morning Jim from Bourne Charlie
Dicko & PCW Tamworth 060903 - aaaaah, bless ! Fudge Tamworth 060903 Harry Tamworth 060903 Neville Tamworth 060903 Nigel Lythoe Tamworth 060903
Dicko & PCW Fudge Harry Neville Nigel Lythoe
The Lees Tamworth 060903 VOR Tamworth 060903 Fudge and Sister Tamworth 070903
The Lees The Vicar of Rotherham The Fudges!